
Our ability to specialize, design goods and services, and trade amongst ourselves is the driving force behind a macro trend of exponential increases in quality of life.

What we learn when we do something wrong doesn't just apply to the situation that taught us, it helps us build models for interpreting and responding to reality in general.

We are present when we can experience reality without being consumed by what has already been or what might be.

We're conditioned to think of a single percentage point as an almost non-consequential gain. In conventional wisdom investing, 1% would be laughed at.

How long it takes to learn something is a better proxy for how valuable something is than how long it takes to do something.

It's comforting to think that hitting a certain target or achieving a definable milestone will bring us lasting comfort.

An abundance of connectivity means you’re only ever a second away from another opinion.

Expecting to excel in anything without consistent practice is the easiest way to lose.
The irony in benchmarking ourselves against things we already know have been accomplished: we reduce the likelihood of writing a story of our own.